Medical Animation and Illustration




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The Quantified Relationship (Cover)

This illustration was originally created for use in a Bioethics conference presentation and was later selected to be used for the cover of their February issue. From sketches to the final illustration, there was significant emphasis on the topics of the quantified self movement. This illustration depicts the flow of data from each autonomous individual and the relationship between them.

Media: Abobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

*The Quantified Relationship The American Journal of Bioethics, (Cover) Vol. 18 No. 2 February 2018

The Defense Mechanism of the Bombardier Beetle

This illustration thoroughly explains the complex defense mechanism of the bombardier beetle. The poster explains the internal anatomy, the chemical composition of the spray, and the external anatomy associated.

Media: 3ds Max, Mudbox, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

*Announced in Top 10 category for Vizzies Competition

* Chosen for UIC Legacies and Leaders Event 2017

*Award of Excellence & Best Student Entry (Graphics Media: Natural Science Illustration). Presented by BioCommunications Association: BioImages Competition (2017)

Trigger Finger Surgical Release of the A1 Pulley

A Surgical guide with anatomical reference for residents in orthopedics.

Location of the Pseudomeningocele and Normal Anatomy

This Medical Legal piece depicts the normal spine anatomy between the third lumbar vertabrae to the first sacral vertabrae and compares it to the patient’s anatomy. The illustration highlights the location of the pseudomeningocele and its associated pathology.

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Anatomical Study of the Human brain in Mid-sagittal Section

This illustration depicts the human brain in mid-sagittal view for study of important landmarks and structures. Labels are indicated for important surface anatomy and the figure helps the viewer to understand spatial relationships and orient themselves.


Research Animation


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